Finite Difference Simulation of a Helmholtz Resonator - 2D Acoustic Wave Equation

In this project we wish to simulate the acoustics of a Helmholtz Resonator (HR) as may be found in a vented loudspeaker enclosure design. The vent functions as a Helmholtz resonator and has a low frequency attenuation effect. The enclosure is compartmentalized due to the vent design. Therefore, in order to carry out the simulation we must implement reflecting boundary conditions in the interior of the simulation region. In addition, a mixture of absorbing and reflecting boundary conditions are needed at the edges of the simulation region. Absorbing boundary conditions for the wave equation require additional attention and are implemented as described by [Alam & Mohiuddin, 2021].

Read a detailed explanation report can be found here here.

The Github project is availabe here:


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